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Writer's pictureAhmad Corner

Building Together During Strange Times: We've got this, Seattle!

Hey Seattle… Alongside companies and communities across the globe, our attention is on the evolving COVID-19 situation as new information comes available.  We’re all in uncharted waters, but we are certain we can will get through this together.

Our thoughts are with you, the people of Seattle, as we are continually reminded of just how critical it is to support one another during these challenging times. 

While most of us “young professionals” aren’t considered high risk, the health and safety of you AND your loved ones are a priority.

Being an organization designed to facilitate connections through live experiences, we’re presented a fresh, challenging opportunity to reimagine how we help continue to build community with your safety in mind.

What The YPGroup Communities have on deck: 

We’ve canceled all non-essential in-person meetings and suspended all scheduled, in-person events until later notice but we’re working diligently to put together some virtual experiences we can enjoy together.

  • YP Impact – Virtual Trivia / Games fundraiser, virtual volunteer opportunities, panel discussions and more.

  • YPOSeattle & YPOx Communities – Virtual Happy Hours.  Stay home, pour your favorite drink and join a video conference with like-minded young professionals.  We’ll break into focus groups, introduce ourselves, discuss how we can help build community and continue networking – virtually, of course.

  • ProDev – Virtual Fireside chats, panel discussion, and workshops will be scheduled.  Additionally, we’re working with community partners to provide professional development resources for those stuck at home and/or looking for work. 

  • We’re putting together an Amazon Charity List (like thermometers, alcohol wipes and other supplies) that we can donate to those in need (link coming soon).

  • We’ve pulled together a group of corporate partners who have helped build this guide full of resources.

What you can do to help:

  • For those of you with the means to do so, purchase gift certificates to local restaurants and brick & mortar retailers to help provide an alternative revenue stream.

  • Support local restaurants. Intentionalist has a running list of restaurants who are offering takeout and delivery. If you know of a restaurant that is not on the list, simply follow the link above and add it the comments. 

  • Participate in #TakeOutTuesday and #TakeOutThursday.  Take a picture of yourself getting takeout and use the hashtags #TakeOutTuesday (or #TakeOutThursday), #Intentionalist, #SpendLikeItMatters and #YPOS.

  • Offer no-contact grocery store runs or meal delivery to the elderly (NOT in facilities) and immunocompromised. Knock and leave items on the doorstep .

  • Try hosting virtual meetings with friends and family to bolster human connection.

  • Buy tickets to future community events to show support for the greater community.

  • Contribute to food banks for children who have lost access to daily meals during school closures.

  • Prepare isolation kits for those who may need to recover in a private space. Kits could include bottled water, cough drops or hand sanitizer.

  • Give Blood.  Right now, American Red Cross and BloodWorks NW are facing a severe blood shortage due to an unprecedented number of blood drive cancellations during this coronavirus outbreak. Keeping in line with social distancing recommendations, you’ll probably have to make an appointment. 

  • If you’re healthy and in need of company while you practice social distancing, consider giving an animal a temporary home by fostering.  Please see our resource guide for more information on this.

YPOSeattle, YPOx Bellevue, YP Impact and ProDev (YPGroup Communities) is a collection of organizations built and managed by young professionals, for young professionals.  We are you; you are us. We truly understand how uncertain and totally unusual things feel right now; and we express our deepest sympathies for all who have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Lastly, get involved where you can, stay safe and know that we’re here to answer any questions we can (or to give a virtual hug for those who need it).  

WE GOT THIS, Seattle!

– The YPGroup Communities Teams

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