Katrishka King
Mother | Sister | Daughter | Aunt | Proud Black Citizen of the United States

...but you're not like the rest of them."
As the story goes, I went to a predominantly white middle school and the first two years of high school. As such, I was typically the only black girl in the group. I never felt like I was truly a part of the group or that I really belonged. On occasion, there would be sly comments about Black people that I would not know what to say to combat.
On one such occasion a girl said something to which I replied, "Hey, I'm black."
Her response was, "But you're not like the rest of them."
I asked her what she meant by that and she said, "Ya know, you're not like, ghetto."
After this happened I questioned myself. Was I alright with being somewhat acceptable amongst whites because I "wasn't like the rest of them"? Or did I prefer to be WITH the rest of "them" and find my way.
I chose the latter and it made me stronger. It helped me find myself whether I fit in or not. I was able to be proud to be WITH "them", though I wasn't "ghetto", and be proud of who I had become by making that choice.
I left that school the following school year and it's one of the proudest moments of my life.
-Katrishka King
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