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Hispanic Heritage Month 2023

Updated: May 7

How to Celebrate and Support Hispanic Heritage Month in Seattle


Hispanic Heritage Month in Seattle is a vibrant and culturally rich celebration that takes place annually from September 15 to October 15. During this month-long observance, the city of Seattle comes alive with a wide range of events, activities, and initiatives designed to honor and showcase the diverse Hispanic and Latinx communities that call the region home. Here are some key aspects of Hispanic Heritage Month in Seattle:

Join YPOSeattle at, Hispanic Owned, La Palmera for our September 2023 Happy Hour event:

Cultural Festivals and Social Events

Seattle hosts various cultural festivals and social events celebrating Hispanic and Latinx cultures. These events often feature traditional music, dance performances, art exhibitions, and culinary delights from different countries in Latin America and Spain.

Festival Latinx at the Tacoma Armory

Events to check out:

The Arts

Seattle's vibrant arts scene often includes special exhibitions, concerts, and performances highlighting Hispanic and Latinx artists and creators. This provides a platform for local talent to showcase their work and share their cultural heritage.

Nepantla Cultural Arts Gallery

Local art installations, performances and film festivals:

Eat, Drink and Shop

During Hispanic Heritage Month in Seattle, support Hispanic-owned establishments by savoring Latinx cuisine at local restaurants, exploring unique neighborhood shops, enjoying rich coffee at Latinx-owned cafes, and visiting Hispanic-owned salons and boxing gyms for an engaging experience.

From the Asadero Ballard Facebook page

Some of our Favorites:

See a comprehensive list of Hispanic owned establishments on the Intentionalist website